1:1 Coaching

To wonder if you are even on the right path for
To wonder if you will ever get your period again?
To wonder how much weight you need to put on
to get your period back?
To wonder if it will be worth it..loosing your
active 'healthy' body?
To wonder if it is even that important to get
your period back anyway?
To wonder how comes thinner girls who go to
the gym all the time get a period, but you don't?
To wonder if you will have to eat this way

My 1:1 coaching program brings you tailored and specific coaching according to your goal and needs. My practice involves taking a holistic view of what is really going on and getting to the root cause.
Taking you from no periods, always cold, poor relationship with food, movement and your body
Regular ovulatory cycles, pregnancy (if you desire), improved body temperature, sex drive, improved relationship with food, movement and your body
What's Included Each Month...

Two 45 minute 1:1 appointments each month virtually (time frame is dependent on what we feel is best for you), with a written report after each session.
Check-ins between sessions
Instant message support. You can message me at any time of the day and I will get back to you within 48 hours, but likely within a couple of hours. I’m not just your coach for the video calls, I am your coach 24/7 throughout the program. Message me about anything! I want you to feel connected and know you are not alone!​
Breathwork session (optional but included and very powerful!)
HA food inspo booklet and Tracking Ovulation booklet
Food diary review

I am a trained Breathwork Healer and offer breathwork sessions as part of my program, which is optional, and is included within the price.
For me, breathwork was that extra piece of the puzzle to get my hormones back on track in an energetic sense. It helped me unblock stagnant energy within my sacral area, which is linked to our reproductive system and become more in tune with my body, along with stress relief.
Breathwork can help you too!
Reduces stress, anxiety, depression
Reduces toxins
Energetic release of blockages in the body
Boosts immune system
Improves digestion
Heals trauma
Mental clarity
You don't have a period, so I'm guessing you are stressed in some way right - physically or mentally?
This helps balance cortisol levels and provides a huge stress relief.
You feel like you have done 'all the things' to get your period back, but still no period?
I've been there and that's when I introduced breathwork to my life, as sometimes the problem can be on a deeper level. Sometimes we hold stagnant stuck energy in our body and particuarly in the womb area.
The light-bulb moment for me knowing I needed to learn how to facilitate Breathwork and use it within my practice, was when I had intense swirling sensations in my stomach area during a session...and then 5 days later, came on my first recovery period. No joke. I physically felt an energetic release around my stomach/sacral area, which I believe was a piece of the puzzle for my period recovery.